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Mrs. Linda Felton, Principal
Assistant Principal - Mrs. Connie Bowman
400 N Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd.
Greenville, Mississippi 38701
Grades 7 & 8
Mascot - Tiger
Colors - Maroon and White
Uniform - Maroon, beige or khaki top with khaki slacks or skirts
As a student of Coleman Junior High School, I believe that the
reputation of the school and my self-respect depend on my attitude and
behavior. I shall attempt at all times --
To honor and respect my school
To strive for high scholastic standing
To support school activities
To use good taste in what I do and say
To be a credit to the American Ideal.
The staff of Coleman Junior High School believes that each child
should be accepted into the educational program as he/she is. The
students should be the focus of all the school’s endeavors and the
entire staff should be an inspiration for high ideals and the right
standards of living.
The staff of Coleman Junior High School recognizes the varied abilities
and interests of the student body of this school, and it holds that the
curriculum should be broad and flexible. It seeks to promote individual
growth -- to help students explore, discover, and develop their abilities
and prepare for economic efficiency.
Coleman Junior High School is composed of approximately seven
hundred seventh and eighth grade students with approximately fifty
staff members. The staff endeavors to provide a feeling of security in
each child through constant cooperative guidance by faculty,
administration, home, and community agencies. It believes that its sole
responsibility is to the students and that every moment should be
considered a learning situation that will prepare the students for
community living.
While you are here, please visit:
Coleman Junior High School Library Media Center
Coleman Junior High School Departments