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School Improvement Steering Committee
Brenda Henderson, Counselor
Pamela Ward, Science Teacher
Leonidas Brown, Physical Education Teacher
Robert Coleman, Principal
Isaac Dorsey, Art Teacher
Mary Ferretti, Reading Teacher
Emma Grant, Language Arts Teacher
Carolyn Jenkins, Counselor
Joyce Jennings, Math Teacher
Cynthia Griffin, Computer Discovery Teacher
Bettye Prewitt, Special Education Teacher
Mitch Shelburne, Language Arts Teacher
Susie Williams, Social Studies Teacher
Our Beliefs
Maximum learning is achieved in a safe and comfortable educational environment.
Sufficient time should be provided for students to attain mastery of specific learning objectives at all
Manipulative activities are highly conducive to learning.
Teachers should use a variety of activities to accommodate individual learning styles.
An educational partnership with the community, designed through shared decisions, responsibilities, and
involvement, is necessary to ensure that every child is ready to learn.
Students should apply what they have learned in meaningful ways.
Student achievement increases when expectations of students are high.
Student experiences should be provided to promote the growth and development of all students' physical,
social, mental, and emotional domains.
Narrative of the Work of the School Beliefs and Mission Committee
The Beliefs and Mission committee was appointed to examine the beliefs and mission of our school. The
process involved faculty, parents, students, and the members of the community.
Groups, including all involved stakeholders, were assigned the task of examining the school profile data.
Information from opinion inventories from all stakeholder groups was used to identify key areas of concern
for all groups: staff, students, parents, and community.
Each group also conducted a study of educational research relating to the educational process, future trends,
and requirements in today's job market. Topics studied included the relationship between culture and student
achievement, the relationship between oral language and writing, the finding of brain-based research,
curriculum planning, and curriculum integration. The implications of the research were discussed and
utilized by the committee in the development of a statement of our beliefs and mission. The research helped
us to adapt our beliefs and mission statements to provide the best methods to prepare our students for the
challenges they will face in our changing society.
Initial drafts of the beliefs and mission statements were distributed to all of the staff, parents, and
community members for review and comment. Feedback was collected and modifications were made based
on the suggestions received. Minutes and rosters of participants are on file.
Our Mission
Our mission is to provide a safe and structured learning environment that will meet the educational needs,
abilities, and interests of each student, and that is designed to enable students to become successful in our
increasingly technological and rapidly changing society.