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Doris Perdue Blalack was selected the Greenville Public School
District's "Teacher of the Year 2001." She is a teacher and
Accelerated School Coach at Trigg Accelerated School. Mrs. Blalack is a
mother of three and married to Richard Blalack. Mrs. Blalack is a
graduate of Greenville Public Schools and has taught for thirteen years.
She has an Educational Specialist Degree in Elementary Education from
Delta State University, has been accepted to begin advanced studies in
education at Mississippi State University this summer, and is a National
Board Certified Teacher.
Mrs. Blalack is a believer in teachers continuing their education, not
only through college training, but also through workshops and
professional reading. She has had training in numerous areas and has
provided workshop training for districts, colleges, and educational
organizations. She is also an assessor for the National Board for
Professional Teaching Standards. Mrs. Blalack was an interview finalist
for the Congressional District/Mississippi Teacher of the Year 2001.
Blalack believes in teaching to the strengths of children while
improving upon their weaknesses, giving children a voice in their
learning, and making learning fun and meaningful.