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Tech Prep: A Path to
New jobs are being created everyday. In Mississippi, as in every other state in the
nation, the success of new and expanding businesses depends on a technically sophisticated workforce.
Due to rapid advancements in technology, global economic competition, and dramatic
changes in the workplace, today’s employers require
workers who:
can solve technical problems.
can work effectively with others.
can integrate and communicate information.
Greenville’s Tech Prep initiative provides students with the skills and competencies needed in
the workplace today and tomorrow. It is a concentrated, coordinated approach to lifelong learning and earning. Through this unique program, students can be a part of a
workforce that will ensure the state’s ability to thrive in the future. This will further ensure
the advancement and success of the student.
Tech Prep provides an educational path that leads to tomorrow. It integrates college-prep
coursework with vocational and technical applications. A technical education concentration is
included. This planned sequence of courses begins in junior high school and is articulated to
the community college, leading to an associate of applied science degree. Students may also
pursue a four-year baccalaureate degree, if so desired.
Discovery courses are offered for students in grades 7 through 9:
Career Discovery-7th grade
Computer Discovery-8th grade
Technology Discovery-9th grade
These courses provide a basis for implementing applied academic instructional methods in
mathematics, science, and communications and for integrating academic skills and vocational
Courses at the high school level are articulated with both vocational-technical courses and
academic courses at the community-college level; and programs have been implemented to
provide school-to-work transition skills.
Tech Prep is:
preparation for a lifetime of learning that meets employer demands and allows career
a total cooperative and connected community effort, with businesses, parents,
students, secondary schools, and community/junior colleges.
a course of study, combining secondary and post-secondary education, and paralleling college prep.
a merging of academic and vocational and technical competencies.
a technologically appropriate sequence of courses related to an individual’s career.
an avenue to successful employment, with multiple exit points (to work, to an associate
degree, or to further advanced education.)
an increased expectation of a brighter future for all students.
Tech Prep is now available at both Junior High Schools and both High Schools.
For more information about Tech Prep contact:
Mrs. Barbara McCoy
District Tech Prep Coordinator
P.O. Box 1619
Greenville, MS 38702
(662) 334-7193