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District Technology Committee
Shirley Cartlidge
Curriculum/Professional Development Coordinator
Dorothy Chatman
Janet Collins
Personnel Director
Pamela Dillard
Software Administrator
Richard Dixon, Jr.
Student/Weston Campus
Ruth Striebeck
Teacher/Greenville Campus
Norman Brown
Assistant Principal/Coleman
Andrew Hardmon
Principal/Greenville Campus
Alvin Holland
Hurtice Howard
Field Parish
Bennie Ruth Parks
Michael Ray
Director/Technical Center
Shirley Lance
Librarian/Weston Campus
Dr. Loretta Shannon
Jessie Shaw
Kim Young
Software Administrator
Mattie Williams
Teacher/Greenville Campus
Jamie Rutledge
Business Manager
Peggy Jackson
Reva Pree
Interim Administrator/Coleman
Sandra Batty
Philosophy Statement
The primary goal of quality education is to help students acquire mastery of the basic skills. However, with a world that changes more rapidly each year, other skills and knowledge not in existence today will be necessary for tomorrow's adults. Students must come to the realization that they are ultimately responsible for their own life-long learning. Thus, a secondary goal is to foster skills which allow students to retrieve,
organize and utilize information in such a way as to enable them to be functioning adult members of society.
The major focus of the Greenville Public School District's Technology Plan is the integration of technology into the instructional program to improve learning outcomes and prepare students for the future. It is essential that there be provisions within this master plan for maximum choice and flexibility in the selection, placement and use of technology at each school site.
Each school shall integrate educational technology into its school-based plan that coordinates with the district's Educational Technology Plan. Leadership and coordination shall come from the principal and designated educational technology resource persons.